Marma Therapy
What is Marma Chikitsa?
Marma Chikitsa is a specialized form of treatment explained in Ayurveda and Siddha system of Medicine. There are 107 and 108 marma points explained respectively in Ayurveda and siddha system of medicine which are the sites of Prana (Vital life energy) and are connected to every functional unit of the body. Any injury to these marma points will cause derangement of normal bodily functions. The same principle is used in Marma Chikitsa to treat different ailments.
How does Marma Chikitsa act?
Marma points through their inherent connection with pranic channels establish relation with various internal organs and systems of the body. Hence, these points may be used to influence the functioning (stimulate/inhibit) of internal organs. Judicious use of a proper therapeutic pressure or procedure over the specific marma may be used to treat various disease conditions and promote health.
Marma points through their inherent connection with pranic channels establish relation with various internal organs and systems of the body. Hence, these points may be used to influence the functioning (stimulate/inhibit) of internal organs. Judicious use of a proper therapeutic pressure or procedure over the specific marma may be used to treat various disease conditions and promote health.
In general, a judicious application of pressure on appropriate marma can restore the normal functioning of prana (in diseased body parts).
Thus, it has extensive indications such as
- for balancing the tridoshas (the 3 humours of the body)
- for increasing the agnis (digestive &/or metabolic fire)
- for promoting healing, for removing the ama (detoxification)
- for promoting health and vitality (rasayana and vajikarana effects).
What are the conditions in which Marma Chikitsa can be used?
- Marma Chikitsa can provide an instant relief from pain like in cases of Neck pain, Cervical & Lumbar spondylosis, Sciatica, Multiple Joint pains etc.
- It can also be used in systemic diseases like Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension etc to regularize the impaired bodily functions
- It can be used in all conditions except acute emergency conditions
What is the duration of Marma Chikitsa?
The duration of treatment in Marma Chikitsa depends on the severity of the condition and the chronicity of the condition. It may vary from 7 days to 10 days and can also extend up to 15 days. It helps to treat
Diabetes Mellitus
Varicose Veins
Respiratory Disorders
Musculo – Skeletal Disorders
EYE Diseases
Scalp Diseases
Thyroid Diseases
Relaxation Packages
Stress Management
Generalised Body Pain
Hair & Skin Care
Marma Therapy
Weight Loss
Diabetes Mellitus and Hypothyroidism
Musculo – Skeletal disorders
Purificatory therapy
Rejuvenation treatments
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